Sowing seeds during a Super Typhoon

During typhoon Tisoy I was out on the field to sow mung bean seeds.
According to my own experiences it is best to sow mung beans during heavy rains. This will make sure the beans will soak up with water quickly and then sprout as soon as possible before the insects eat the seeds. The insects will leave the mung beans alone once it has sprouted. The germination time for mung bean is quite fast, taking only 24 to 72 hours.
It is lots of fun to sow mung beans during a rain. I throw them anywhere, in between the weed and grasses, under the trees etc. From my experience this is always a guaranteed success most of the mung seeds will sprout.
Mung bean is an excellent nitrogen-fixing leguminous ground cover primarily because it is not an aggressive vine, so it does not wrap around trees or vegetables. It grows fast and can grow in many soil types and climates.

While the typhoon was raging there was also a water buffalo (Carabao) on the neighbor’s field. The carabao was peacefully eating grass pretending like nothing was happening at all.
Meanwhile our planted trees were bending all the way to the ground, but luckily they did not break. Banana leaves and some coconut leaves were being teared off. But the carabao was just fine.

The roof of our garage almost blew off. A few nails got ripped from the roof and the roof was bending. Then me and my wife went out to get an old bamboo ladder and placed a heavy sack of sand on top of the roof this prevented the roof from being blown away.

Typhoon Tisoy passed right over us, the eye of the typhoon was more or less 100 kilometers away from us. Parts of the sugarcane plantations of the neigbouring lands got completely broken or blown away. It rained for 24 hours straight, wich was not so bad cause we did not receive a good rain for almost 10+ days.
We are lucky that the mountains and forests around us protect us by weakening the typhoon. After the typhoon passed over us the typhoon weakened into a severe tropical storm and went out to sea.

Because our electricity comes from solar panels only we had to turn off the refrigerator.. The battery was becoming low from the dark clouds.

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