Did you know you can eat banana stem?

Banana stems are edible. Yes, that’s right.
3 to 5 old month banana trunks seem to be the best for cooking. The tough and hard outer layers should be cut off and the tender core used in cooking.
The taste is somewhat similar to endives. Boiling the banana stems in water for 5 minutes is enough to eat them. They are best used in soups.
Banana stems may also be a medicine for kidney stones and weight loss. Another way to consume the banana trunk is by squeezing all the juice into a cup and drinking the juice.
Turmeric and lime juice or lemon juice may be a good combo with banana trunk.
The banana trunk should be consumed on the same day it is harvested or else it might spoil or become hard. When cooking be sure to remove all the strong and hard fibers which are inedible.

It is my first time eating banana stem. It is not the most yummiest for me, unless I cooked it wrong. Here is a picture of my cooked banana stem with curry.


Bananas grow as weeds here. They can be often seen growing next to the road or wild in the forest so its not that hard to find one.
Banana trunks can be a great emergency food in case you do not have the time to wait for the banana fruits to grow.

More info on this:

Pranee’s Thai Kitchen: Can you eat banana trunk? (Note: External link)

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